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#DearCinnaMoms Nov '22

Breastfeeding During the Holidays With Lydia Boyd

A gem of the CinnaMoms family, Lydia joins us from the MLK Lactation Clinic, for our one and only November gathering, sharing wisdom to support fellow CinnaMoms because as Lydia says, "We kinfolk around these parts."

Identifying as Unapologetically Black, #ADOS born and raised in Southern California, Lydia is all too familiar with the systems (or lack of systems) of support, and the struggles in our community. She welcomed new and returning CinnaMoms, reminding them that "this is a village, a team effort, you should not be on this journey on your own; you should be connected."

The holiday season brings with it, a variety of challenges. The Gathering of friends and loved ones. Sadly, we too know that sometimes, those gatherings are not all fun and games... For some, especially for breastfeeding families and breastfeeding moms, the criticisms, and feeling unsafe, are all part of the experience.

She did not however, leave it there! Lydia's focus was on village love, and support. Speaking on the traditions, memories, and what is done to lay the foundation for family support, she connected with fellow Cinnamoms, reminding us "you're seen, you're heard, you're believed in."

Do you feel alone?

"You are never alone, and if not getting support anywhere else, know you can get it here, this is a team effort.”

What does your Peer Counselor and your Lactation Consultant need from you?

"We need you to see yourself as worthy of support, believe in your journey."

The power, and love behind her words, is indescribable. I try my best to share with you, not only the facts of what you may have missed, but the experience that is CinnaMoms. My simple words, these few phrases simply cannot do it justice.

Lydia continued the discussion on the village of support, and what we are eating, being mindful about what we are eating, and what we are offering our babies.

"You just had a baby, how will YOUR body react to this?"

She added: "Anything with sage can cause a dip in your supply, any of the mints, can cause a dip in your supply." Did you tell your lactation professional about all of the mints you were eating, when discussing your concerns about the drop in your supply?

"For those of you who just delivered, it is okay to have those greens, and drink that potlicker. Pregnant moms, eat that okra if you like it, [Digestion wise] We need stuff to move."

"Caffeine doesn't just make that baby get wired up, it constricts your milk ducts."

"Holiday food is delicious, but be mindful because you’re probably eating all of these foods in abundance, that you haven’t had in a while."

Sock-it-to-me and German Chocolate cake, taking care of yourself and your supply, the myths that can taint the way our families embrace breastfeeding... This is only a fraction of what was discussed in one short gathering of CinnaMoms, one and one half hour, never feels like enough time when facilitators like Lyida are at the helm.


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