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A Day of Q&A with Wanda, IBCLC

May, 2024

CITY OF INDUSTRY, Ca. (May, 31, 2024)-- Biting, growth spurts, and frothy stools, these were but a few of the topics that were presented to the CinnaMoms village of support that gathered– virtually on May 16, 2024. PHFE-WIC and CinnaMoms understands that the issues many parents face when breast and chestfeeding, are not always cut-and-dried.  There is a growing need for a more individualized approach to the common and not-so-common problems of infant feeding. Enter the illustrious Wanda Kenlow, lactation consultant extraordinaire for PHFE-WIC.

As a loyal supporter of the CinnaMoms village of support, Wanda dedicates her time to help WIC families and CinnaMoms overcome the obstacles often worsened by cost and distance. 

When families seek breast and chestfeeding assistance in the hospital after delivery, and help arrives during the discharge process, WIC lactation consultants are there to fill the gap. When working with professionals, but are then sent home to “keep working on it, hope it gets better,” WIC is there to help pick up the slack because WIC families and our CinnaMoms are not alone.

Why Is This a Problem?

Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants are generally few and far between, around 37,000 in the world. The International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners published the current worldwide statistics on IBCLCs, showing 19,930 registered in the U.S., and only 2,766 of them are found in California.

This presents a monumental challenge that lactation consultants like Wanda, and families seeking support, know too well: accessing quality support. 

Resources in the real world are limited. PHFE-WIC and CinnaMoms seek to mitigate these issues by applying modern technologies like text and virtual connectivity, to help reach the families in need. Thus connecting CinnaMoms with the necessary resources to help keep their families growing healthy and strong. 

When one mom shared her concerns regarding biting, to keep her breastfeeding journey from ending too soon, she counted on the professionals in her village of support. She relied on a credible source for quality support instead of an array of social media platforms, saturated with unrealistic expectations and misinformation.

WIC has spent the last five decades supporting families by providing nutrition, breast and chestfeeding support.

Join WIC, join CinnaMoms!

See what you are missing and find out what kind of support is available to help you on your journey!!

Join Cinnamons Wednesday June 5, 2024 for a Virtual Mommy Meet Up with Rhonda CLE, to talk about pregnancy, breastfeeding concerns and all things baby!

CinnaMoms Crenshaw is Celebrating the one year anniversary!! Join Cinnamons on Tuesday June 18, 2024 from 1pm to 3pm CinnaMoms Crenshaw is a non-traditional WIC center with a mission to create a cultural space that promotes empowerment and self-transformation for Black/African American women.



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    WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children. If you’re pregnant, or a caretaker of a child under age five, you can get personalized support for yourself and your family.


    For your safety, all WIC appointments are currently provided by phone and online.

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    Los Angeles, CA - CinnaMoms 

     The PHFE WIC Program is thrilled to support CinnaMoms as part of its mission to improve the lives of families through breastfeeding.

    © 2015-2024 by CinnaMoms

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